Mahachai 2 Hospital recognizes the importance of facilitating health insurance and life insurance holders. We provide the following services.
Health checkup for insurance
All types of health checkup benefits provided by the insurance company
A team of nurses and staff who provide counselling on the eligibility of health and life insurances
Insurance relation officer who coordinate the information and communicate throughout the period of services
Fax claim service center
In case of outpatient treatment
Submit your insurance card and ID cards or a card issued by the official with photo at the customer service department. Check with the insurance company's web site from which you use to. The hospital will enclose the claim form. Check your eligibility from the web site of your insurance company. The hospital will enclose the claim form to be filled out.
In the OPD case which advance payment is required, please inform the insurance relation staff to prepare an insurance claim form for you for reimbursement from the insurance company by yourself.
In case of inpatient treatment
Submit your insurance card and ID cards or a card issued by the official with photo at the admission department.
Visit by the insurance relation officer to provide information regarding your eligibility and the choices of insurance claim.
In case of the use of fax claim
Insurance relation officer prepares an insurance claim form for you to sign
Period of fax claim response from the insurance company is approximately 3 hours
If you receive a fax claim on the day of your return home, please contact the finance department and sign to acknowledge the costs as well as pay for extra expenses (if any)
If self-claim is preferred or fax claim is inapplicable
The hospital will prepare a claim form with a receipt for your expenses as a proof for reimbursement to the insurance company immediately.
The insurance relation officer will check the accuracy of your documents thoroughly and accurately.
We provide a representative to coordinate with the insurance company and check the benefits for you.
We provide fax claim service (for insurance companies with contracts with the hospital) Advance payment for medical treatment is not required unless there is some extra expense.
In case of self-claim, a claim form can be retrieved on the last day of the treatment
Services provided at the insurance relation department
Pre-release customer profile
Coordination, request of record and claim form
Inquiry on doctors’ schedule and recommendation on specialized doctors